Thursday, September 16, 2010

Killer Attack Turtle


Kimmy said...

OH MY!! I jumped a mile watching that video, I can't imagine how you must have felt. I saw your title and thought you were being funny. Do you have those turtles just wandering around Texas? Where did he come from? That would freak me out. Is everyone okay? I'm really hoping you didn't get bit. I showed Lulu and now she probably will never get near a turtle...LOL.

Kelsey said...

OK so it kinda sounded like I was cussing there at the end but I assure you I was sincerely beseeching the Holy One to save me from the ugly reptile mutant clawed beast thing.

I RAN inside traumatized for the rest of the day. I seriously had to go put on shoes, cuz my my toes felt vulnerable. This joker was in our front yard!!! Never seen one before and apparently they really can bite your finger off.

Turtles are *supposed* to be slow, right? Its a myth. At least their snapping abilities are not slow. Trust me, NOT slow at all....

Kimmy said...

Oh I totally understand. You poor thing. I'm just laughing thinking about what I might do. That is so crazy. I'm just in shock that he snapped at you like that. I would never have thought a turtle. I'm so thankful you are ok physically but mentally I'm sure you are still a bit rattled.

KELSEY said...

I am glad I got to be there to see you jump !!!:)I will always remember that moment.. sorry that happened to you even though it was a bit funny!! LOL



Kimmy said...

Ok this is now what our evening is consisting of....watching this video. Lulu is now covering her eyes and Mark and I go from laughing to gasping. Thank you for this fun entertainment.

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Striving to seek my Savior above all else. ~Jeremiah 29:13~